
Marco Vangelisti

Marco Vangelisti is a Research Fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity and the founder of Essential Knowledge for Transition ( Marco came to the U.S. as a Fulbright scholar in mathematics and economics at the University of California in Berkeley. After a stint in the financial industry, Marco worked as visual artist on a full-time basis for 5 years and obtained a MFA focusing on the intersection between public art and ecology. He later worked for 6 years managing investment equity portfolios primarily on behalf of large foundations and endowments. In April 2009, Marco left the finance industry and has since been instrumental in the formation and development of the Slow Money Northern California chapter. He is sharing his experience doing direct Slow Money investments with communities around the country to help them increase their capacity for local investing. Marco is currently developing Essential Knowledge for Transition – a curriculum for engaged citizens to understand the money and banking system, the economic system and the financial system and how we need to transform them.

Research Fellow


Making Human Survival Illegal: The Unintended Consequence of TPP

“Imagine a world where global multinational corporations have the power to sue any government that passes laws or regulations that have negative impacts on their current or future profits. Imagine that they could bring the case to a private tribunal whose judges are private lawyers working for other large multinational corporations..."

Exiting Austerity, Entering Transition Nation: A Solution to the Greek Crisis

“Another world is possible – indeed, it is absolutely necessary – but we will need the imagination, the will, and the collaboration required to realize it within our lifetimes. We must move beyond simply criticizing and rejecting the suicidal economics of the past..."
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