
Raúl Carrillo

Raúl Carrillo is a Research Fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, a graduate of Harvard College and Columbia Law School . He is a co-organizer for The Modern Money Network (MMN), an interdisciplinary educational initiative for understanding money, finance, law, and the economy. He writes regularly on economic policy, with bylines at The Nation, Yes! Magazine,PolicyMic, The Morningside Muckraker, New Economics Perspectives, and The Institute for New Economic Thinking.

Research Fellow


Postal Banking: Finance for Everyone

“According to recently released data by the Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation (FDIC), at least 28% of American households—roughly 93 million people—either have no bank accounts (the “unbanked”) or are at least partially dependent upon high-cost services like payday lending (the “underbanked”) (FDIC 2014)."
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