
Robert C. Hockett

Robert C. Hockett is a Research Scholar at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, and is the Edward Cornell Endowed Professor of Law at Cornell University. His principal teaching, research, and writing interests lie in the fields of organizational, financial, and monetary law and economics in both their positive and normative, as well as their national and transnational, dimensions. His guiding concern in these fields is with the legal and institutional prerequisites to a just, prosperous, and sustainable economic order. A Senior Consultant with Westwood Capital Holdings, Fellow of the Century Foundation, and regular commissioned author for the New America Foundation, Hockett also does regular consulting work gratis for the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the International Monetary Fund, Americans for Financial Reform, the ‘Occupy Money’ Cooperative, and multiple federal and state legislators, regulators, and local governments. Prior to doing his doctoral work and entering academe, he worked for the International Monetary Fund and clerked for the Honorable Deanell Reece Tacha, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

Research Scholar and Edward Cornell Endowed Professor of Law at Cornell University


The Fed’s Municipal Liquidity Facility: Community QE at Last

“Last week (April 9, 2020) the Fed announced it would be opening a new Municipal Liquidity Facility (‘MLF,’ ‘Facility’) for States and their Subdivisions now struggling to address the nation’s COVID-19 pandemic. This is effectively ‘Community QE’ in all but name."

Accountable Incorporation

“In mid-August Senator Warren introduced an innovative – or rather, restorative – new piece of legislation, the Accountable Capitalism Act. Legislation along these lines is long overdue, and hence more than welcome..."
Media Appearances

Handicapping the Latest Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Debate

GISP scholar Robert Hockett discusses Bernie Sanders, the presidential race, fundraising, and more with Ian Masters on Background Briefing. Link
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