
Envisioning Provisioning: Forgiveness and the Possibility of Peace

“From this heterodox economist’s perspective, [the refugee crisis] is an opportunity to refresh and renew a meaningful discussion of value, through exploration of the uncharted policy space of sovereign currency issue. We do not need to envision what will happen with further escalation of war. The refugee crisis is the result of foreign policy driven by capital’s incentives. Through the camouflage of optimization and rationality, we find greed, individualism, and racism. These are the values that continue to devastate lives, countries, and generate chaos in the Middle East and at home. Neoliberalism has squeezed the dollar into the narrow realm of exchange value theory. This limited sphere of value based on the assumed criterion of efficiency is failing humanity and our planet. Where does value come from? Is it labor? Does money’s hierarchy limit what has value (Brakken 2012; Kelton 2001)? Through democratically organized demands and actions for change, money can be applied to display to the world that we the people of the United States of America still maintain and declare our values of independence, that all human beings are created equal and that we are not afraid to take in your sick, your poor, and your huddled masses yearning to breathe free!”

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